love note 

Not all of singleness is lonely.

It isn’t sad.

Far from it!

We have both known happy years as an adult. Alone time spent creating, dreaming, planning, working, and ministering.

It is happy.

It is full.

We cannot demand love find us. We may try force, but what is force other than trauma to the soul? So wait, soul.

Love awakened will not disappoint.

Many spend years searching. Searching for “the one.” Too often heartache follows, washing over in waves of despair, sorrow, and loneliness.

In a room full of people, our eyes roam, sifting through the available —or not available— individuals.

Catch an eye here. Throw a kiss there.

But then you.

Unexpected. Unplanned.

And I, the one with steel built up around myself considered what might be on the other side of the defenses I had built.

You saw.

You loved.

An unexpected ray of sunlight in an otherwise cloudy day, your positivity replacing my negativity, your gentleness healing my brokenness, and your smile reviving my life.  

I saw.

I loved.
